Saturday, November 26, 2011

Jaguars like Calvin’s cologne.

Wildlife conservation society need to study behavior of animals to get the vital information pertaining to their numbers, their traits of mating etc to maintain a tab on the existing habitat conditions. Basing on these studies Wildlife conservation society will take necessary precautions and other necessary measures to safe guard the wildlife. For this, they have to attract the animals to hidden infrared cameras. In case of jaguars, Wildlife conservation society found that jaguars are drawn towards the scent of ‘Obsession for men.’ a Calvin’s cologne’s cologne. Now this cologne is widely used in New York’s zoos and in the Maya Biosphere reserve of Guatemala an renowned refuge for Jaguars. Thus the Wildlife conservation society could succeed in alluring the elusive cats and make them stand before the infrared cameras.

So next time be careful before you think of using ‘Obsession for men.’

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