Thursday, November 30, 2006

Work is love made visible

“You are an atheist. I have never seen you praying. You neither have fear nor respect towards the God”
Distracted and disturbed by the torrent of my wife’s accusations, I turned away from the easel towards her and said “did you say something?”
“Not just something. I said many things. I am asking you sir, why don’t you spare a few minutes every day to thank the God for making you walk on this beautiful planet”.
“Oh, prayer? I have been doing it every day”, I said. Nonchalantly preparing to turn towards my work. But my wife stopped me from turning away from her and said staring straight into my eyes,” A lie.”
“No dear it’s true. I devote at least 12 to 14 hours a day for my prayers” I said.
“12 to 14 hours? Every day? For prayer?”
“ You got it right darling. For me work is worship and prayer all included... For me work is love made visible?
I turned towards my easel and my grumbling wife towards kitchen.
